Grade Four

In Grade Four, students learn to use their personal strengths and qualities to help them persist with tasks when faced with challenges. Students identify and describe the factors that contribute to positive relationships at school and in the community. They learn to work collaboratively with others, give feedback and identify conflict resolution strategies to negotiate positive outcomes to problems. In preparation for First Communion, students explore the Last Supper as the institution of the Sacrament of the Eucharist and the rituals that are associated with this special moment. Using their experience, students create their own Eucharistic artwork encompassing the symbols of the Eucharist.

In Grade Four, as part of the school’s camping program students participate in a Big Day Out experience where they have a fun and educational experience outside their school environment. Students have the opportunity to make their First Holy Communion as part of the school sacramental program, taking the next step in their faith journey. Preparation for this special day includes students taking part in a preparation workshop with their families.

Grade 4, Term 4 Outline - 2024