Grade One

In Grade One students continue to develop their sense of belonging to the Catholic community. They work towards identifying their personal strengths and describe how these strengths are useful in school life. In literacy, students engage in small group and whole class tasks aimed at developing their letter-sound relationships and extending their vocabulary. Extra support is provided to students in Grade One through the Reading Recovery program, with selected students participating in daily sessions with a specialist reading teacher. Students engage in hands-on tasks and develop their sense of numbers and mathematics in the world around them. They participate in activities to develop their social, emotional and positive relationship skills.

As part of the school’s camping program, the Grade One students attend the annual Grade One Breakfast, coming together and sharing a meal as a way of building closer relationships with their peers and teachers. Throughout the year students participate in various excursions and incursions related to what they are learning in class.

Grade 1, Term 4 Outline - 2024